VSware Setup for Parents/Guardians
The VSware Parent App is now available to download. Please go to https://support.vsware.ie/en/parent-app-downloading-and-logging-in, for details on how to download & use the app. Alternatively you can access VSware at www.stpaulswaterford.vsware.ie.
- School name for use in the app only: stpaulswaterford
- You should have already received your username, however if you do not have it, please contact the office and it will be sent to you by text.
- Once you get your username, go to either the website or app.
- Enter the username.
- Click on create password.
- You will be brought to a new screen where you will be asked to re-enter your username and the last 4 digits of your phone number. (This should be the same number that the school has on our system).
- A unique code will then be sent to your phone by text and from there you can set up your own password.
- Once logged in you will be able to view your child’s reports, timetable, attendance records (including whether they are late for class) and behaviour records/points.